Gary Fixter- The pass and its different forms.
Gary Fixter Exercises to Improve the pass
Passes in soccer: It is an action by which a player sends the ball, with the foot, to his partner with the precision necessary to reach him. This technical gesture allows you to interact between two players with a single touch and improve team play.
They can be classified by: their speed, elevation, by the trajectory or distance that the ball covers, by its tactical intention, by the part of the body that we make it,.
Among the different types of passes we can find: Pass through the gap, backward pass, short, medium or long distance pass, direct pass, wall pass, autopass and network pass,
*Exercise number 1
In pairs, two players are placed one in front of the other and the ball is passed through them. We place the cones closer together each time. Start with the ball stopped and then in motion. Swap contact leg. Increase pass distance.
*Exercise number 2
In pairs with a ball, each one moves freely around the field and passes the flat ball through the goals distributed on the field. Do not block the path of other couples. Dissociation of the gaze.
*Exercise number 3
In pairs with a ball each one passes so that one player of the pair remains fixed in one place and passes the ball to the other player to the right and left so that the partner must always run from side to side returning the ball to the first touch. Change position after two minutes and make passes of different types (short, long, etc.).
*Exercise number 4
A rope or tape is placed that divides the pairs of players, one in front of the other. One player makes a pass under it and the other returns it to the first touch so that he can receive it with his hands. Each ball received will be considered as a point that we will count out loud. Change in two minutes for each side. Which couple gets more points?